


If someone told me a few years ago that I will live my passion, I would probably ask: “Really? But when? What? How?” That happened in 2016 as an AHA moment during a coaching session with my career coach, Marika Gillis. Marika knew how to push me to look deeper in my unopened box of true desires and make them visible and achievable. I realized then that I want to be a co­ach and help others find their true passion and purpose in life. During my 15 years+ of legal pra­ctice in advocacy, public notary and in corporate sector I had great moments of fulfilment. Howe­ver, I felt deep down that there was something else I could offer to the world and make it the better place. And this realization revealed itself in the coaching practice. Throughout my ICF ac­credited training program as a certified Organi­zational Coach (Systemic Coach), and ongoing learning towards ICF ACC accreditation, I disco­vered the beauty of encouraging and supporting others to believe in themselves, to be or to have whatever they desire. Additional knowledge gai­ned through the Law of Attraction and team co­aching training uplifted my confidence and gave me wings to fly without limitations.

My coaching niche has appeared in creation of a Sail In A Moment Approach (www.sailinamo­ , focusing on practical usage of the power of present moment and the law of attrac­tion techniques which aim to support clients on their growth journeys.

Name of the product: Butterfly Workshop – Life Coaching Rehearsals

Not long ago after I jumped into entrepreneuri­al and coaching industry, my life path has flown into more playful direction. And this playfulness came to life in the form of the Butterfly Work­shop.

Ingredients: Life group coaching through thea­ter concepts


Land of origin: Croatia & South Korea

Partnership with a theatre artist and a dear friend, Jooyoung Song, has merged our two passions, theatre and life coaching together in a completely new, unique product called – Life Coaching Rehearsals.

Life Coaching Rehearsals, in the format of But­terfly Workshop, represents the process of step­ping out of the comfort zone (our “cocoon”) and revealing our true potential. The cornerstones of our approach are spontaneity and creativi­ty that can be achieved through acceptance of the present moment, enjoyment and enthusi­asm. Underlying notion we deliver is to break the common belief that life has to be a very se­rious mission and that we need to work hard to accomplish something. The truth is often com­pletely opposite. People who allow themselves to be playful and do not take life circumstan­ces too seriously (what we are doing right now J) are more creative and live a happier life. So our emphasis is on challenging others to step out of their comfort zone, make mistakes, and have “a life rehearsal” in a spontaneous, creati­ve and playful way. Adapted techniques from the Theater are our tools to lead people through the self-discovery journey. Coaching mindset is an integral part that follows each theater activity by having reflective discussions.

Made in China

Interestingly, my coaching path was made in China, far away from my home country. That’s another pro­of that fulfilment in life is reachable anywhere. Most important elements to make your goals happen are strong willingness, commitment, and lots of fun!

Best before: once opened it’s recommendable to hold close to hand and eyes and use as much as possible

Bar code – WeChat QR Code

Our mission is to enrich people’s overall sense of well-being through focusing on baby steps towar­ds their goals, enjoying the journey, playing and experimenting. Our partners so far are BodyLab Dance Center, Community Center Shanghai, Si­naweb-Small China, Motivate Shanghai. If you are interested in tasting this product or cooporate with us, feel free to scan a QR Code. It might soon be available in Europe as well J!


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