The purpose of the article is to explain how blockchain technology is promising revolutionary changes in our perceptions, life, economy and the world. With reference to this, authors outline serious consequences of widespread use of new technology and emphasize the need for change of social mindset in order to avoid the „psychological“ traps of coping with the innovations it establishes. It is intended for anyone who wants to get to know the psychological aspect of blockchain, its developers and those who belong to the systems, subjected to the use of innovative technology. The structure of the article encourages reader to form his own connections and conclusions, applicable to everyday life. Nevertheless, read it in the original order.
The emergence of blockchain technology, aimed to optimize the cost of financial transfers and avoid the control mechanisms of the existing centralized systems, not only means the beginning of a different perception of financial business, but also the perception of the world. „Someone“ (there are various theories about its inventor) pressed the key that triggered the „empty space“ and launched another digital revolution that radically changes the existing social patterns, human behavior and living or human existence in general.
Blockchain consists of a sequence or chain of blocks, infinite infrastructure of transactions, shared and stored on multiple nodes in a network. With reference to this, new technology directly connects users and changes the existing system, based on interdependence and intermediary or central authority. The latter in practice results not only in disruption and reshaping of traditional business and financial processes but also in a complete change of our perceptions. Furthermore, it eliminates the individual’s necessity for constant subjugation in social interactions (for example, in the very way of thinking, each individual builds up their own understanding of our words; with blockchain we avoid such different perceptions). Its unambiguity and predictability gives us the opportunity to simplify life and more time to live it. Business decisions and agreements in the new system can be concluded without lobbying or bribery, with laws that are, in their clarity, comparable to laws in nature (for example: If you want to change the water into steam, you need to heat it as high as 100 ° C; nothing less, nothing more). Moreover, blockchain technology brings a burdensome foreseeability and elimination of centralization and control instruments that allow social-class discrimination. It also frees us from our emotional garbage: we will again feel ourselves, redevelop empathy for others and devote more time to genuine association with ourselves, our partners, children, friends, nature and others. However, the latter does not mean that the new system brings us more time to spend, but only new perceptions of its management.

But, beware; there are treacherous passes in any technological revolution. Blockchain technology is subjected to important limitations and issues, including the activation of collective consciousness and quantum lifestyle, which will be as direct as the new direct technology. If we first devote some attention to collective consciousness, its basic items were first presented by French sociologist Emile Durkheim in The Division of Labor and Society in 1893. He argued that the social order is based on two forms of solidarity, mechanical and organic, or a transition from „primitive“ companies into highly developed industrial. In the first, mechanical solidarity or the unified functioning and thinking of individuals sharing the so-called collective consciousness should be the one that enables the preservation of the existing social order defined by strong state repression, which punishes any deviations from collective social norms. On the contrary, the foundation of a modern, industrial and capitalist-oriented society should be the organic solidarity emerging in the system of division of labor, in which individuals in society are separated according to merit and rewards received. Durkheim believed that social inequalities are a reflection of natural inequalities, what he called “social justice”. He argued that moral regulation was just as economic, necessary for maintaining order and peaceful acceptance of social differences. Instead of repression and punishment he defended the rule of law and its upgrading nature. The transition of society from „primitive“ to advanced, should be accompanied by major disturbances, crises and social anomalies, the pathological phenomena of modern society, which, after successful transition, will follow a period of stability and development. 1 Summed up, emergence of blockchain technology rebuilds collective consciousness, but in a much more modern form. Our actions will be subordinate and adapted to the new technology, which gives the foundations of complete unification and universality of the social system. The latter will become a feature of all aspects of our existence and a mechanism that will not tolerate deviations and anomalies. Blockchain technology is clearly much more than just „DNA“
1 DURKHEIM, 1997.
consciousness and social justice are simultaof digital financial flows; Durkheim’s collective neously modernized conglomerates of organic and mechanical solidarity that will relieve and simplify our lives.
With the blockchain, the collective consciousness of the existence comes to the fore. This, completely different concept, differs from just described Durkheim’s by giving its focus on unconscious; an understanding of the actual aspects of living versus aspects of natural existence.
The collective consciousness of existence thus implies the concept of „everything that is,“ and concerns the processes and states at our unconscious levels. We can describe it with different terms, for example, „patterns“ or „energies“ that are co-created by our humanity. During the decades, collective consciousness of existence was the subject of discussion of many philosophers, sociologists, thinkers and others, searching in it the explanations of our existence and guidelines for the conscious creation of life that we want to live. One of them is Danah Zohar, an American-British author of numerous works on the topic of spiritual capital and quantum thought that builds on collective consciousness with spiritual intelligence. In her works, she defends the thesis that the first thing created after the great poisoning (thirteen billion years ago) is a quantum vacuum. It contains the record and trace of everything that was at any time, everything that is, and everything that will be. In addition, every human being carries within himself the record of everything that existed before him, that is, our consciousness and the history of the universe. If illustrated with an simple example, our energy record is one that creates the „similarity“ of the ideas and beliefs advocated by all the world’s spiritual traditions in spreading the story of the origin of our universe. At first glance, world cultures seem completely unique and dif ferent from each other as the result of language differences and the use of different metaphors and symbols, but when you explore deeper and pay attention to the individual features of the stories about creation, whether ancient Greece, ancient Egypt, Hebrews, Hindu, Taoist or others, you discover that all the descriptions of our beginnings are very similar in their foundations, even though they come from different time periods. Zohar claims that the reason for the latter lies in the fact that within us is the whole history of the universe; our story and our collective consciousness. If we illustrate invisible energy ties we share with another example, this can be nature. Nature consists of material and immaterial things, meaning visible and invisible, right? If we place ourselves on the basic size of the material things, that is, the size of the atom, we can no longer see anything or we realize that this empty space consists of energy. With reference to this, can we claim, that our essence is energy? Within energy there is activity that we do not see or hear, but undeniably feel. And this is the invisible part that flows or exists according to interconnected and interdependent rules, and given the fact that people are born with similar „basic“ genetic records, we can conclude that we are all connected and made of pure energy. As a result, there is a collective awareness among us, some common information that directs us.
Summed up, a growing list o records, called block, or commonly blockchain, with its characteristics applies to our collective consciousness and infinite record of information that remains „eternal“ and unchangeable. Added to that, similarity between the DNA chain and blockchain blocks is not a coincidence, but a proof of the common energy, which is undeniably connected and infinite. Since blockchain technology will have a strong impact on our everyday life and the world we know, we must prepare for it. Our daily lives will be greatly relieved under the influence of the speed of change, which gives you an opportunity to invest in yourself as your future depends on it. Only in this way will you be able to adopt a new way of life, understand it and maximize its benefits. Therefore invest in:
- “Erasure” of childhood patterns, fears and complexes;
- Building self-esteem and self-confidence;
- Developing your own potentials;
- Sustainable personal and business growth.
If you made the conclusion that “blockchain system” only promotes a greater comfort, dispense it. Comfortable life is the product of an existing system, subjected to collapse; it is a kind of lukewarm, which is warm but stinks. On the contrary, the new system brings a new flow, a new opportunities, stimulates life and cleans lukewarm within us. It allows life to re-invigorate and stimulate the Sun. However, if we do not invest in ourselves, we will not be able to take the advantages of blockchain benefits, but will instead succumb to the sensitivity and vulnerability. Sun will be replace by Shadow, which will spread the feeling of unimportance, uselessness and redundancy in us. Therefore; Leave excuses, start investing in yourself and be one step ahead of the game.
Durkheim, Emile. The Division of Labour in Society. Trans. W. D. Halls, intro. Lewis A. Coser. New York: Free Press, 1997, pp. 39, 60, 108.