


Treba sklopiti svet u jedno i jedno u svetu. To je ključ koji nosimo svi. Retki umeju svet da otključaju, retki umeju svet da osete. Mudra izreka kaže da „Onog koga vole, Bogovi pošalju na put“. Poslednje tri godine moj život pretvorio se u put, kretanje, istraživanje, pronalaženje sopstvenih delova duše na različitim krajevima sveta, sa različitim narodima, na različitim jezicima. I ja nikada nisam ista. Uvek drugačija, življa, snažnija. Put me je vodio preko Katmandua, Firence, Balija, Berlina, Jordana, Krita, Abu Dabija, Valensije. Prelazila pustinje, šume, mora, okeane. Govorila razne jezike i bivala uvek svoja i drugačija, pokorena prirodi. „Sijalo je Sunce, sijao je i Mesec“, rekao bi Stevan Pešić, putopisac. Kroz objektiv želim da vam otključam svet koji mi je blizak, u kojem se ogledam, u kojem sam se spoznala. Otkinute delove svoje duše pronalazila sam na raznim stranama fotografišući ih i grleći ih. Njihova monumentalnost, energija i lepota vodili su me do sopstvenog izvora. U nekim gradovima vazduh je star nekoliko vekova, na nekim stazama oseti se vibracija renesanse, kod nekih ljudi prepoznajete „mudrost vasione koja ima svoje granice u kojoj se sve kreće, a ona ipak stoji“. Bogovi se zovu raznim imenima, ali imaju isto značenje. Ne mogu da vidim ili osetim ono što prethodno nije postojalo u meni i zato ključem sveta želim da otključam tanane delove svoje duše ispisane na geografskoj mapi.

Svetovi kada se izmešaju dobijete neslućene mogućnosti!


It is necessary to bring the world into one and one into the world. That’s the key we all carry. Not all are able to unlock the world, feel the world. A wise proverb goes: „The one who is loved is sent on a voyage by the Gods.“ In the last three years, my life has turned into a journey, moving, exploring, finding my own soul shards across different parts of the world, with various people, in different languages. And I’m never the same. Always different, livelier, more powerful. My journey has taken me across Kathmandu, Florence, Bali, Berlin, Jordan, Crete, Abu Dhabi, Valencia; I’ve crossed deserts, forests, seas, oceans. I’ve spoken many languages and been myself and different at the same time, submissive to nature. „The sun was shining, and the moon was shining“, words by Stevan Pešić, a travel writer. Through the lens, I would like to unlock the world that is close to me, in which I reflect, in which I have come to know myself. Ripped parts of my soul were found all around the world by photographing and hugging them. Their monumentality, energy, and beauty led me to my own source. In some cities, the air is a few centuries old, on some paths, you can still feel the vibrations of renaissance, and with some people, you recognize a „wisdom of the universe that has its own limitations and everything moves and yet it all stands.“ Gods are called by many names but they have the same meaning. I cannot see or feel that did not previously exist in me and that is why, with the key of the world, I want to unlock the subtle parts of my soul printed on a geographical map.

Composed of a mosaic of human souls. Enchanted by the scent I walk through the world slowly, guided by God’s will, mind, and intuition. Thirsty for knowledge, beauty, goodness, and strength of human civilization. Some people of different cultures enrich you, teach you, and get strongly attached to you. They see more of you, watch you from another perspective, through their own eyes and distance they walked. I am all and belong to all. I know from where I came from, my water is unstoppable, I expand and conquer the way as only the spirit knows.

I cordially invite you on my photho exhibition „The Key of the World“ which will be held on 13th December 2019 at 8 pm in the Art Gallery „Progres“ in Knez Mihajlova 27.


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