



In a world where the problems and challeng­es are becoming more and more complex, we have no choice but to start going within. It is in the understanding of ourselves, fully, wholly and completely that we not only have access to greater levels of success and the life that we have imagined but we also start to understand others better. It is by going within and under­standing ourselves that we tap into individual as well as worldly solutions that will ultimately benefit us all.

I believe that each of us is born for greatness because each of us has greatness within us. The more you study and learn about yourself, the more you see that you cannot deny this truth.

So, what has ‘going within’ have to do with suc­cess? There are two ways we can look at suc­cess – one way is by looking at the external en­vironment or conditions. For example, our job title, how much money we make, the wealth we have created, the car we drive, etc. Although all of these aspects may be a part of success, they do not necessarily give that deep level of satisfaction, meaning or purpose. They are of­ten associated with competition and striving or working hard until we are burnt out.

There is another way. You can still have the ti­tle, the wealth but this way is associated with a deeper part of you. It is aligned with success as a natural “flow state”. It nourishes you be­cause it connects you to your soul and often is referred to a “soul calling” or an expansion of your authentic self.

Success is different for everyone. We all have a vision or desire of what success means to us. To me, success is connected to a state of joy. Even during the most challenging times, which we must have, this type of success is associated with pursuing that deep inner desire or purpose and aiming to get better at your way of serving the world every day. I do love Earl Nightingale’s definition of success “Success is the progres­sive realisation of a worthy ideal.” This means that you must have a deep desire and an ide­al goal that is worthy of your life and you are progressively moving towards it. Anyone who is progressively moving towards a goal worthy of their beautiful life is a success.

So, let’s go a little deeper. How does one go for that huge worthy goal or purpose that is deeply within them? And how do we get into more of a “flow state” rather than stress, competition, and exhaustion?

This is where mindset and spirit come in. Be­fore going further, I must mention that, within you lies enormous potential. Even with all of the technology and modern scientific develop­ments, we still have not scratched the surface of how enormous the potential lying within you is. I would like to invite you to contemplate this before you move on and read further. It is pow­erful. It is the core fundamental truth about you.

Many leaders talk about just mindset. And yes, mindset is absolutely critical to your success. However, without a simple understanding of the invisible part of you, the spiritual (or energet­ic) part, you ultimately miss tapping into your greatest potential and power. You can only be left in awe when you start to learn more about yourself through the place where spirituality and science meet and that is in quantum physics.

What is it that quantum physics shows about you and what does this have to do with your success? Quantum physics is the science that studies the smallest physical particles and how they function. According to Dr Joe Dispenza, studies have shown that the atom, which is the tiniest physical particle that we are made up of is 99.99999% empty. After further research was conducted on this “empty space” in the atom, they found that this “emptiness” was actually energy. And this energy was an intelligent con­sciousness. It was the same consciousness that has created everything we can see on the physical plane including the entire Universe.

So if your tiniest particle is composed 99.99999% highly intelligent consciousness, you as a human being, are also made predom­inantly of this same intelligence. That’s correct – you are 99.99999% energy, and this energy that you are is the greatest intelligence that ex­ists. We know that this intelligence is a creative force – you only have to look at the awe that we experience from the diversity in nature to know that it is creative.

Now, let’s go a little deeper with Tesla’s quote at the beginning of this article. If you want to un­derstand how the Universe works think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. Quantum physics now shows us that energy is constantly vibrating and moving from energy into the mat­ter. This is basically Einstein’s theory of relativ­ity (or E=Mc2).

When it comes to being, doing or having more – let me tell you right now, you can. That is right, YOU can have the success that you desire. This is where our mind comes in. They say that thought power is the strongest power. I agree, I would like to add with it however, “feeling”.

Let me explain why thought and feeling com­bined are the secret to your greater success in a state of “flow” rather than force and exhaus­tion.

You move closer to the state your desire, your goal or the success that you want by bringing your success to you now, to this very moment. You must think from your goal. What that means is you use the power of your imagina­tion to align your thoughts and feelings with the success that you want. You must only see the success, feel like your goal or success is here right now and become that person who has the success, right now. Most people strug­gle with this for a number of reasons. First, their subconscious programming is focused on their “so called” limits. Secondly, they are con­ditioned to think from the outside-in. They are conditioned to think and focus on what is here or the challenges that they are experiencing.

To change your subconscious programming so it benefits you, it is important to start using your conscious mind to imagine having your success in the present whilst feeling the exact emotions that you would if you did have your desired success now. If you do this consistent­ly every single day, success will be yours. I say that confidently because great success is nev­er by luck. Success is a formula. If you apply the formula, it will eventually work for you.

Here are some simple steps in the ‘success formula’:

  1. Decide what you want. What does success mean to you? Your mind is a goal achieving mechanism. Make sure you are very clear about your goal. Write it out clearly in present tense.
  2. Strengthen your desire. How much do you want success? If your desire is not strong, your mind’s higher faculty of will can disappoint you when the challenges come. You need to have a strong enough desire to move through the challenges and difficult times.
  3. Ask yourself – If I had this goal or suc­cess already how would I be living my life? Who would I be? Your self-identity must change to match the success you want. Write it all down in present tense (your subconscious does not know the difference between present and fu­ture so it is vital to write in present tense).
  4. What is the feeling associated with your goal or success? Feel it. Become the per­son that has the success now and you will see the success in your own life.
  5. Persist. You will be challenged. You will experience failure but remember – the se­cret of the Universe is vibration. The way you feel is the vibration that is emanating from your mind and body. Persist in the feeling of suc­cess when you are challenged. Raise yourself above the challenge and you will see an in­credible new life emerging.

The great thing about success law, understand­ing the truth of who you are and understanding how to control your thoughts and emotions for greater success is that you need not only ap­ply it to professional success. These laws and principles can be applied to any or all areas of your life – your finances, finding the right part­ner, or your health. Remember, your energy is everything.


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