


Within you lies untouched marvels that you have undoubtedly yet used to their fullest po­tential. The truth is most people do not begin to even scratch the surface of their potential by the end of their lives.

Growing up we all loved a story about super heroes. We watched incessantly and day­dreamed about what it would be like to be a super hero ourselves. I know this well, as a child, my superhero was Wonder Woman. I was obsessed with Wonder Woman. Day after day and often alone, I became her in my imag­ination. As I took down the ‘bad’ people with my special Wonder Woman super powers, I became unstoppable.

This childhood play was so fulfilling that it al­ways seemed to leave me with a skip in my step and a feeling with immense. It was like I knew deep down that I did have super powers that were waiting to be ignited. I think many children feel this way. They feel their own pow­er within and that is why it leaves them with anticipation of a fairy tale future when they grow up one day.

Something happens as we grow older. A mix­ture of responsibilities, mistakes or failures, and messages from society telling us to ‘get real’ stops us from fantasing. By early adult­hood, most people give up the ‘childish make believe’ and give in to a mundane life follow­ing status quo and by mid adulthood, the silent scream “there must be something more” be­comes louder. If this internal scream is resist­ed, it leads to a level of frustration and suffer­ing that many adults experience.

I believe that each of us has deep within us something great to accomplish in this life­time. This deep desire is different for each of us but it is silenced by the messages that we have accepted about ourselves. Messages like “I am unworthy” or “Who am I to believe I can achieve this?”…or even “Who am I to do something great.”

As soon as we come into this world, we are bombarded with messages about our limits and why we cannot be, do or have what we want. We have developed generational para­digms full of fear, past conditioning and a limit­ed understanding of who we are.

In order to tap into our greater potential, we must break through this past conditioning. We must begin to tell ourselves a new story. We must begin to tap into new possibilities about who we are and what we want to have in this gift called life.

Research in Quantum physics is now showing us that we actually do have limitless potential. So, if we have limitless potential, in order to tap into more of that potential, we must also have super powers.

But aren’t super powers only for fantasy? Is it just children who naively think that they are real? Do we truly have super powers within us that are lying dormant? If so, what are they?

When we understand our minds, we under­stand this is where some of our super powers lie. The mind has higher faculties that when utilised appropriately will help you significantly increase your potential. These are the faculties of reason, perception, memory, will, intuition and imagination. Although all are extremely powerful and necessary, I would like to focus on the power of imagination.

Everyone who has achieved something great, has seen it in their mind first. In fact, all of the things that we take advantage of in our abun­dant world today, were developed and seen first in their creator’s mind. Those who pave the way and create great change in their own personal lives or for the world, dared to think different, they dared to imagine a new possibil­ity that did not yet exist other than in their own marvellous mind.

The power of our imagination is a super power indeed. Imagination has been used to create champion athletes, A-Class leaders, and top inventors. All of the solutions that we seek and the results we want are available in our imag­ination.

You see, we are all using our imagination. We think in images and not in words. When you think about something – whether it be a per­son or an object, an image comes up of that person or object in your mind. Most people are not aware that the images that they are focus­ing on are images that will keep them stuck in the same place that they have always been because they are not solution focused and of­ten are negative.

In order to change your life, you have to start imagining differently. As the great Albert Ein­stein stated:

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”

So, in order to change our lives and have the success or the life that we want, we have to go back into some of our childhood ways and start to fantasise. One of my great mentors living in Australia, would always say “You are giving life to the thing you imagine.” If imagination is the preview to our life’s coming attractions, or our future, then imagination clearly is our su­per power. We must use it wisely.

We must train and discipline ourselves to only focus on what we do want for our future. This becomes one of the biggest difficulties for most is when they experience circumstances that are stressful or obstacles which are opposite to the results that they are expecting. When challenges present themselves, because they will, this is where the discipline must be ap­plied. If we are able to stay with imagining only the best, imagining only what we want, and stay focused on the solution, we will see the thing we imagined present itself in reality.

The great Novak Djokovic stated when asked about his journey to number one in the world:

“The power of imagination is limitless.”

The power of your imagination really is lim­itless. Here are some steps to help you get more success out of your life using your super power of imagination:

  1. Decide what it is that you really want.
  2. Write it down. Only three percent of adults have a clear goal and only one percent of adults have a goal that is written down.
  3. Imagine it like it is already here – feel the emotion. Emotion is the language of your subconscious mind and once a new idea is planted in your subconscious mind, your mind will work it all out for you.
  4. Take daily action every day. Aim to be­come better by at least one percent and you will have the thing you really want.
  5. Remember, challenges, obstacles and failure are a part of the journey to greater suc­cess. Discipline your mind to only imagine the good that you desire during this time and you will win. You must – because imagination is your own personal super power.

Imagination is not only beneficial to working to­wards a greater goal or changing one or more areas of your life, it is also hugely beneficial in guiding you to find a solution to any problem. Your mind, being a goal achieving mechanism must be trained to let go of the problem and focus on the solution.

So, you do have a super hero inside you. As a child, you knew that this was true. If you are like most of us, you were conditioned to focus on false limits. Now, understanding how to ap­ply your super power of imagination, you can use it to break free and create the change that you would like to experience in your business and in your life. You have got this!