



This line by the Serbian poet Branko Miljkovic is apparently correctly translated as „Some universe will create us again“, which I experience as quite a mysterious and even ambiguous statement. Which universe you and I surely would like to know, and how will we be created again? What does that even mean? Is this a new universe outside of us, but being delivered to us somehow at some point? Or is it perhaps inside of us? Or both? Or, some might suggest, a universe that awaits us in our next life in the spirit world, which will then create us again?

We can certainly conclude that Miljkovic’s line is ambiguous and open to multiple ways of looking at it. Let’s explore some of these ways; likely there are many more, which probably will be touched upon by others here.

A new universe outside of us?

This sounds much like science fiction. Is it possible? Alien visitors helping us to realize or just delivering this new universe and create us again? How, of course, we don’t have the foggiest idea. Or, could it simply mean that we together, as human beings all by ourselves, working in harmony, love, peacefulness and all the things that guarantee to make us truly happy, can build together? Such a universe would certainly create us again, as reborn beings, full of laughter, joy, dancing, music making, and whereby peaceful love would be the universal language, atmosphere and culture.

Of course, that kind of great universe of peace and love has always been available to us. A dream universe we all have longed for so long and really wanted all along. It’s still outside of us, but could we make it real?

A new universe inside of us?

The wise Jesus of Nazareth said that “the Kingdom of Heaven is inside of you” and this exact theme is constantly repeated in spiritual circles. Their visionaries tell us that the answers to a happy life and society lie within ourselves, and that what you have to do is meditate or practice some other form of getting in touch with our true inner and deeper self, which then in turn will alter our life for the better. Yes, it would take a large team effort by all of humanity to manifest it externally and create us again.

Yes, the world is still a mess, especially these days; and yet, we are constantly advised by these visionaries, and I fully stand behind them, that the best ways to deal with today’s chaos is to nevertheless find and realize in our hearts and minds this new universe of love and peace and all that is desirable, and of course to radiate and vibrate this outwards to every person we meet. Small scale work, yes, but nevertheless creating and feeding a large momentum eventually.

When you meet people who are vibrating such joy, love and unity, and thus for and by themselves have realized such an internal and external universe, you naturally fall in love with these enlightened souls, because they strike a deep harmonious chord in your own heart and help you grow this new universe within yourself as well, step by step, or perhaps even all-at-once? The internal then becomes the external (and vice versa) and multiplies itself, one person at a time.

A new universe after transition into another phase of existence?

There are thousands of people who had so-called Near Death Experiences (NDE’s), and have received predictions and promises about a more glorious future for mankind, coming even within the next decennia. An era of peace and prosperity. Can it be true? The condition, however, as I see it, is human free will: are we going to go that way, as the majority certainly desires, cries out for and have protests about in the streets of many cities, or will the few people in power keep warmongering at our expense and peril? Isn’t that the big IF? Will we all wake up?

But one thing, however, remains clear from these NDE’s: we are destined for a glorious and love filled life after we pass away from this earthly realm. But then again, how much we really know about that world, while some among us may not even believe that life as consciousness is eternal. Is there proof of such a post mortem “new universe”? Many open-minded people and mediums will tell you: yes indeed! If you objectively study the evidence, you will come to the same incontrovertible conclusions about another level of “energy, frequency and vibration”, to quote Nikola Tesla, to which I like to add “and of universal unconditional love,” which these NDE’s all loudly affirm. That sounds extremely promising to anyone’s ears!

The fringe benefit of these NDE experiences is that they transform those who had them; they become more loving, less materialistic, more giving, helpful, joyful, and intuitive, to name a few. While none of them really died and “came back”, they nevertheless got a taste of a greater and nicer universal reality. Their experiences far surpass hallucinatory drugs, especially in terms of real permanent change.

“Neki će svemir ponovo da nas stvori” – “Some universe will create us again”

How does our Serbian poet envision how it “will create us again”? Does he hint at reincarnation? Do we come back to earth as a new creation? I’m not sure he meant that, but perhaps he could have. As I wrote above, his statement is delightfully ambiguous, because he makes us think, especially think about a better humanity and future.

He could have simply meant an ideal of the mind, as I outlined above, as this Ideal lies within our hearts and will thus create us again if we let it. Our poet is definitely a noble dreamer, expressing himself in brilliant poetry. So, this new universe is first an ideal and desire of the mind, which then creates us again, and this can be done by anyone, at any time.

Is this new universe our destiny, birthright and innate nature? What will it look like?

Our poet uses the word “will”, which sounds like a future destiny. I like to think it’s then also our birthright; otherwise it wouldn’t be happening.

The philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau asserted that humans are good by nature. The ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius furthermore stated that we have innate compassion and his countryman Wang Yangming asserted that the streets are filled with saints.

Whether this new universe will indeed ever “fall out of the skies” or not, no one knows, and I personally doubt it, but why wait? Why wait to be nice, to be loving, kind, helpful, altruistic, joyful, bright, laughing, dancing, exploring, artistic, industrious, etc., etc.? To bring that new universe already here. Right now!

Our free will towards this goal has been happening worldwide. So many spiritual movements, natural and energy healing methods of mind and body, yoga, forms of meditation, decline of fear based religions, anti-materialistic scientific discoveries, and you-name-it are all happening, and we can actually sense that we are living at the cusp of a brave new world of love and peace. There is more and more a universal spiritual consciousness awakening towards this new universe we all desire.

With our practice of unconditional love, absolute forgiveness, gratefulness, and all the virtues I already hinted at above, we can each individually realize our own renewed inner and outer universe. I’m certain Miljkovic would be pleased if we do just that! Let’s make this therefore a call to action and renewed thinking. And what a beautiful thought as we enter the Christmas season whereby the motto “Peace and Goodwill to all” is loudly proclaimed. Let’s make that permanent, shall we?


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