


How do I think about passion and authenticity, and what are they together? I will skip talking passion in the bedroom (Eros), and focus on the full hearted involvement with a pursuit that truly and completely excites you, motivates you and which you pursue despite any possible obstacles. My passion, besides a few other things, is photography, playing a musical instrument, and writing articles such as this one on a monthly basis for this great magazine. Furthermore, my passion is my genuine daily effort to love people unconditionally and overcome all forms of judgment towards others and self; a work in progress to become more and more authentic.

What’s your passion? For some it’s building a miniature railroad, for others it’s collecting porcelain (thinking here about the amazing porcelain museum in Subotica), sports, etc. There are also people who are driven by mental passions such as reading or writing, studying a subject, teaching, or playing a musical instrument. Some are driven by passions for public exposure, such as painting, sculpting, handcrafts, or making movies.

What is authenticity then? It surely is more than just certificates of authenticity like passports, birth or marriage certificates. The key to them is trustworthiness. Nothing fake here. And thus, an authentic person is therefore indeed not fake, pretentious, or dishonest in any way. So, we value authenticity also as an ideal and as morally correct. What about people who are authentic but not passionate? Someone shy or introverted? They may be trustworthy and thus authentic to self. Authenticity without passion. Is it enough? Such persons may try to discover their passions; authenticity in development. Also, any young or older person passionate about something from the start still needs to grow and mature to reach their goals. Who has actually truly reached the end of authentic passion? To me it’s an unending process and involvement. After reaching one mountain top, another one appears in the distance. And that’s a good thing.

Most children are very passionate and authentic, even when they throw tantrums! They have daydreams for years and to adults seem lost in a fantasy world. The kind of response by their parents, teachers or other adults, will result in either damage to a child’s self esteem and confidence or steer and help them in the right direction. Personally, a book writing project met with harsh ridicule, but increased my determination and passion for the project. That, I believe, is authentic passion.

When we say “passion”, we may think of something overtly strong, rushed, perhaps wild, impatient, determined, etc., but an authentic passion can also be outwardly and inwardly calm, rooted in deep inner strength, peacefulness, confidence, and iron determination. I know people who are exactly like that. I like to skip over people whose passions causes harm to others, as I believe that true authenticity and true passion should always be for the benefit of self and others. The phrase “Crime of passion” must therefore be a misnomer.

In my lifelong experience with people, I come to the simply conclusion that humans are fundamentally good, loving, and divinely created. Never mind what’s happening in the world by the decisions of misguided world leaders; they do not represent the majority. Babies are born as little angels, not as little devils. When you hatefully kick a dog often, he will sooner or later bite people. Same with children: how much love you truly give them? There is actually lots of evidence to prove that we and all of creation responds very well to kindness!

Human authenticity surely has its roots in goodness, in altruism, in agape or unconditional love. A murder suicide shows misguided “passion”; not human authenticity.

It’s self imprisonment. True “passion as an authenticity” will also surely lead to advanced spiritual growth and raising oneself and others to higher spiritual levels and vibrations, and elevate our communal level of unconditional love, which I believe should be the end goal of every human being. Such highest form of love makes every human being equally valuable, and also ultimately transcends any other loves, such as special loves, romantic loves, and even family love. Once we come to the level of equal unconditional true love for all humans, including one’s so-called enemies, then we are living an authentic passionate life. Unconditional love cannot discriminate and the passion and authenticity behind it can neither.

What I just said may sound a little controversial, but is not meant to do away with relationships, romance, marriage, family, special loves, etc. But, think deeply about it: can unconditional love have favorites, can it discriminate, or single people out as special or inferior? Aren’t we all special, unique and precious? So, let’s be passionate about passionately being your authentic unique self, and what you feel you are here on earth for, and what drives and motivates you, what elevates your heart. Live out your divine talents, never worry, live without fear, have confidence in your abilities, be patient about your progress, do it step by step; you have plenty of time. Know that your life is guided by benevolent forces; on this topic, I like to point you to the article in last month’s issue of RYL written by Suzana Mihajlovic, entitled: “Is there really an energetic force helping you succeed?” Thus, remain positive. Love everyone, forgive easily and don’t hold grudges. Yet, protect yourself against and stay away from truly negative, toxic and abusive people but love and forgive them anyways.

The world is getting more and more ready for a massive transformation. I see so many signs of this coming change: so many books, friendships on social media platforms, YouTube videos, new spiritual movements, seminars, webinars, alternative healing methods People are turning away from fear and judgment based traditions. We are transforming into a global village, one human family This is surely a sign of more and more authentic passionate involvement with life, with one another and with nature, with unselfish service to one another, and finally, to the World Peace we all have been longing for so long.

Together we can do this. We are all candles lighting the world, or better yet, we are all cocoons ready to pop out as beautiful butterflies. That is my vision and RYL’s as well about being authentically passionate.

Hvala puno!


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